Wednesday, November 7, 2018

CCEE1845 - Tongue Twister Day

According to CCEE Challenge Hostess, Anne Harmon, today is Tongue Twister Day. Most languages have their own versions of tongue twisters. In sign language, they are called “finger Fumbles”. Anne has asked the CCEE Stampers to use a tongue twister to inspire our cards.

The tongue twister I have chosen is "The big black bug bled blue blood." 

Why, indeed??? This card is headed to my Wacko basket. 

What other tantalizing tongue twisters have the other CCEE Stampers used today?


  1. LOL ... Not sure I want to meet up with that big black bug haha

  2. LOL! Great card and yes, I love the blue blood. So cute and fun.

  3. How fun!!! The blue blood is such a cute idea!

  4. Never heard of that one! Fun card for your wacko basket -- I have a few of those cards, too!

  5. EW!! LOL!! Why is an excellent question to that tongue twister!! Really fun and clever idea for this challenge Lynn! :) HUGS

  6. Sure got me giggling!!!! Love that you have a "Wacko" basket! That cracks me up too! Love it!

  7. Another I've never heard but you certainly illustrated it perfectly!!! Blue blood indeed!

  8. Lynn! Look at you! This is super fun - and I've not heard this one but your card is a perfect match to the saying! I imagine Texas has some nice size bugs, too! LOL!

  9. I hope to never run into a big black bug, blue blood or otherwise! LOL I have just met No See Um bugs here in Florida- do you have those???

  10. LOL I think he's been squished! ;) SUPER JOB on your tongue twister card, Lynn! ;)

  11. Too funny Lynn, I sat here saying it over and over again, not sure if I actually said it correctly though... lol


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